Inside Harrison Bands


Why join Harrison Bands? And what’s it like to be a member. Check out the links on each picture to learn about Hoya Band member experiences.

The Harrison Bands Legacy

The Harrison High School band program has earned a reputation for musical excellence. Band members demonstrate outstanding scholastic, teamwork and competitive abilities while learning life skills important to success.

Video: Harrison Bands Program Overview

Friday Night Lights

There’s no better feeling than being part of the Hoya Marching Band for Friday night football at Harrison High School.

Video: Hoya Fridays with the Harrison High School Marching Band

Much More than Marching

Harrison Bands also include concert band and symphonic bands, small group ensembles, Color Guard, Winter Guard and more.

Video: Harrison High School Wind Ensemble Rehearsal

Dedication. Excellence. Pride.

More than a motto. HHS Band members exhibit these traits at every practice, competition and performance. We’ll end this page as we end each marching band session: With Pride.

Video: Conclusion of Marching Band Practice